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Know Yourself, Know God (day 2) 2 min read

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom"- Aristotle

30 before 34 Mindset Challenge

The Quote

While listening to the audio book “The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery” by Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile, I heard it said that when “You know yourself, you know God.” What an interesting concept. If I want to know God better, I first have to know myself better. What motivation to stay dedicated on this journey! The Good Book does say we are made in the image of God. So, I guess it does make sense that when we know, love, and understand ourselves, we can truly appreciate and connect with God.

The Application

I have learned that I am a 2 on the enneagram. The enneagram is a beautiful wake up call to understanding the masks we put on to get through life. The beauty in the book that I am listening to is that it doesn’t condemn for wearing mask. The authors comfort and try to guide the reader to understanding the motivation behind the masks and which masks can be a sign of stress, growth, security, healthy state, and unhealthy state. This enneagram study has already help me find more connection with God. I have a new peace because I realize more about grace.

Grace isn’t just about forgiveness. Grace is an acknowledgement that we are a being always in transition. We are either transitioning into a state of growth, stress or security and when given the space to learn the signs of these transitions we can get better at making the necessary adjustments to move us into the desired healthy state. Every day is a fresh start with new grace to get through the day. I don’t have to constantly beat myself to prove I am good person after making a mistake. I just need to pause and see where I am.

Um there's that need for self care again. Self care seems to be a running theme in my life these day. Meaning, everywhere I turn, there seems to be a reminder saying "Nicole are you remembering your self care today?" And remembering that Self-care isn’t just about taking a break. Self-care is about giving us the space to receive grace and making the desired transition. Here's to Peace and Grace!

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